Academy Council
Who We are…
Name Amy Barrett (Chair of Governors) Jane Murray (Vice Chair of Governors) Tracy Hart Claire Milner Ciaran Simms Sanja Taylor Lisa Collins Leon Simpson Laura Smart Katie Brown Daniel Webster Katie Warlow Karen Llewellyn
Vacancies: |
Category of Governor Co-Opted
Co-Opted Co-Opted Co-Opted Co-Opted Co-Opted Co-Opted LEA Parent Parent Staff Headteacher Associate Clerk to Governors
None |
Meeting Dates 2023-24
Download: Governor Meeting Dates 2023-24
School Governors, Roles and Responsibilities
School governors are drawn from different parts of the community and can be parents and staff or from the LA, the community and other groups. This helps ensure the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean governors of a particular category represent that group on the governing body. For example, parent governors do not represent the parents at the school and do not report back to them.
The table below shows each Governor's area of responsibility
Role |
Governor |
SDP Priorities |
Reading & Writing |
Rebecca Butucea |
Maths |
Lisa Collins |
Enquiry Assessment |
Jane Murray & Sanya Taylor |
Governance |
Rebecca Butucea |
Pupil Premium |
Tracey Hart |
Health and Safety |
Ciaran Simms |
Safeguarding/Child Protection SEN |
Katie Brown
Amy Barrett |
Others |
Finance |
Claire Milner |
Structure of the Full Governing Body
The full governing body carry out its responsibilities through termly full governing body meetings (6 times per year) and no longer has additional committees with delegated authority for some of these functions.
Roles and Responsibilities
The full governing body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. They make decisions, monitor, evaluate and review the school's aims and policies with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- setting targets for pupil achievement
- managing the school’s finances
- making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
- appointing staff
- reviewing staff performance and pay.
Roles of governor – the governing body must appoint a chair and vice-chair and may wish to make a number of other specific appointments to lead on certain aspects of the school.
Committees of the governing body – the governing body can delegate certain of its responsibilities to committees or individual governors.
Types of governor:
Parent governors: selected by election (or appointment if insufficient people stand for election) and drawn from parents and carers of children at the school
Staff governors: selected by election from teaching and support staff who are paid to work at the school
Co-opted governors: appointed by the governing body on the basis of skills and experience
Local Authority governors: appointed by the local authority
Associate members (not governors): appointed by the governing body to attend committee meetings and/or full governing body meetings due to their particular skills or experience.
- Governors Attendance - Academic Year 2023/24
- Governors Attendance - Academic Year 2022/23
- Governors Attendance - Academic Year 2021/22
For more information on who makes up the Full Governing Body and their terms of office etc please download the Register of Pecuniary Interests below.
Download: Register of Business - Pecuniary Interests for Website 2023-24