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Our Learning

Blue Area

Welcome to Blue Area.  In Blue Area, we have three classes. 


Turquoise Class (Year 3/4) - Mrs Brown

Sapphire Class (Year 3) - Mrs Quinton

Topaz Class (Year 4) - Mr Balch and Mrs Perkins 

There are also the following teaching assistants in Blue Area:

Mrs Kaur (TA) supports children in all three classes and Mrs Honeywell is a SEN TA.

PPA (planning, preparation and assessment) cover is also provided for the teachers in Blue Area by teachers and HLTAs. 

Mrs Perkins teaches in Turquoise Class on Monday afternoons

Mrs Perkins teaches in Topaz Class on Tuesday (all day) and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.

Mr Stevens teaches in Sapphire Class on Thursday afternoon.

If you have any messages, questions or queries, please write a note in your child’s school planner and ask them to show the planner to their teacher. (Planners are only collected in by the teacher on Mondays) Alternatively, you can make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher via the school office.

PE Days

On PE days, the children should come to school wearing their PE kit. For safety purposes, earrings should be removed for PE lessons. Earrings can be covered with tape for the 6 weeks after the initial piercing but should then be removed for PE activities.  If your child cannot take them out themselves, please ensure they are taken out and left at home.

PE days are as follows:

Turquoise Class: Monday and Tuesday 

Topaz Class: Tuesday and Wednesday 

Sapphire Class: Tuesday and Friday

Useful Websites

  • Times Tables Rockstars  (also available as a free app)
  • Numbots (also available as a free app)
  • White Rose 1-minute maths app (free to download) 
  • BBC Super Movers Times Tables Guided song and dance to support recall of times tables
  • Top Marks Hit the Button Great for practising rapid recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
  • BBC Bitesize videos, activities and quizzes to support learning across the curriculum
  • Spelling Frame A subscription is required for full access however lots of games and activities are free to use.

Get in touch

Barrs Court Primary School
Stephens Drive, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 7JB

01454 867799