EYFS Curriculum
The EYFS curriculum is split up into seven areas of learning.
Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving. These are the prime areas:
• communication and language
• physical development
• personal, social and emotional development
There are also four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:
• literacy
• mathematics
• understanding the world
• expressive arts and design
At Barrs Court School we know that children learn best when they are active and engaged. We are very much guided by our children and expose them to irresistible learning opportunities that will tap into their interests. We have an open-door relationship with parents and carers and are always there to listen and respond to messages. We don’t want anyone to wait for the next parents’ evening to talk; we are usually free to chat at the end of the school day or, if you would prefer a meeting, pop a message in the planner or email the school office and we will get back to you ASAP. We want happy families and happy children – essential for a successful yet homely early years setting.
Teaching and learning
Each term we have a new enquiry where we consider a big question, eg ‘What is a celebration?’ Each enquiry requires us to be different states of being; scientists, philosophers, geographers etc. By the end of an enquiry we have the knowledge to answer the original question due to all the exploratory learning and discussion we have had throughout the term. Our enquiries give us the flexibility to follow the children’s interests and inquisitive minds yet maintain the focus of the original question. We have an enquiry lesson every day where we take on a different ‘state of being’ and the related vocabulary. We will share your child’s learning with you regularly on our Facebook page. The teachers also create floor books full of photos and pupil voice - we will make sure these are out for you to look at when we open our classroom for end of enquiry challenges and parent consultations.
We are mathematicians, readers and writers every day, especially during our daily maths, phonics and practise reading sessions. After each whole class input the children go off into their learning environment where they find enhancements within our continuous provision to reinforce the teaching they have just had. The enhancements we plan for the children also allow them to rehearse skills they learned earlier in the year/term. Of course to the children, it’s play and that’s exactly how it should be! We are proud of the broad and balanced early years curriculum we give our children each day.
Our provision provides plenty of opportunities to strengthen fine motor skills; to develop oracy and vocabulary, particularly in the role play and small world areas; to explore books in our quiet reading area; to investigate number with manipulatives in the maths area and to be creative in our construction and art areas. Writing permeates through all areas of learning – a pencil is never far away! We want our children to see themselves as writers and we value every mark they make. Our talented staff work with the children during their play to ensure they are being supported/ stretched/challenged allowing them to achieve their very best.
The doors to our outside area are open all day as children free-flow between the inside and outside environments, regardless of the weather. Whilst Opal and Pearl have teaching inputs on their own carpets, they are very much together when we go into continuous provision. Our classroom is a huge space where children have freedom to explore whilst maintaining our high expectations of behaviour. Our rules are simple but effective – ‘respect, kindness and safety’.
We always welcome helpers in school so do speak to a member of the Reception team if you would like to help with anything from reading to gardening – whatever you are comfortable with! This can be a one-off visit or a regular arrangement.
Our Latest Enquiry