Family Support
Hello, my name is Kay Cook and I am the Family Support Worker for Barrs Court Primary School.
My role is to support the children, their parents/carers and their families during their time with us.
I am here if you have any worries or concerns regarding your child that could prevent them from becoming a “CONFIDENT AND HAPPY LEARNER”.
Whether it concerns school, home or family life, I am available to listen.
You can contact Kay Cook through the school office on 01454 867799 or email at to make an appointment.
Oldland Dental Practice are taking on NHS Appointments for Children at the end of January. Parents are able to contact the practice themselves. This service is only available for children.
Oldland Dental Practice 206 High Street, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 9QW
0117 9324455
Contact the surgery for more information
Useful websites:
Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour - Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Articles
Advice on healthy relationships - Click (
Help and advice for families with disabled children - Contact - for families with disabled children | Contact
Financial support/offers
Information on different ways of getting support with the cost of living rising Cost of living help | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (
Household support fund | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council (
The government has provided funding for us to support people who are struggling to: buy food, pay energy bills, cover other essential costs linked to energy and wider essentials (including sanitary products, warm clothing, soap, blankets)
Young people’s mental health
Off The Record: Free, self-referral counselling service for young people age 11-15, who are experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-harm, eating problems and/or anger. Young people can call, email or text, and services operate in Patchway, Kingswood and Yate. Also offer parent support groups and sessions. Can also see Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more information and up to date groups and activities.
Tel: 0808 808 9120. Text: 07896 880011. Website: Home - OTR ( Email:
Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people 11-18. Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm, Saturday – Sunday 6pm – 10pm. On Kooth you can: Chat to our friendly counsellors; Read articles written by young people; Get support from the Kooth community; Write in a daily journal. Website: Home - Kooth
Childline: Free counselling via online webchat, and free support/advice available 24/7 via confidential helpline, and emails via the website. Tel: 0800 11 11. Website: Childline | Childline
Young Minds national charity offers confidential online and telephone information and support for anyone worried about the emotional, behaviour, or mental health of a child/young person up to 25 years of age, including ADHD, Autism and Aspergers. Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 Website: YoungMinds
Young Minds Crisis Messenger Service for free 24/7 support across the UK of you are experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258.
Adult mental health
On this website you will find tools, apps and resources as well as a wealth of information.
Each section includes links to specialist services you can contact for more help. We have many partners across South Gloucestershire waiting to support you.
Additionally, if you would like information to support your family, no matter what stage of life, you will find pages dedicated to healthy pregnancy and infant feeding, all the way to activities available for older people.
Home | One You South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire Talking Therapies - Vitaminds: Therapeutic interventions including counselling and group courses, in line with people’s differing needs, age 16+. Self-referral via the website: Tel - 0333 200 1893