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Our Learning

Green Area

Welcome to Green Area.  We have three classes in our area.

Emerald Class (Year 5 and Year 6) - Mr Walker

Aqua Class (Year 5) - Miss Pinnell

Jade Class (Year 6) - Mrs Williams

There are also two regular HLTA teaching assistants that work in Green Area:

Mrs Cook (HLTA) (Monday – Thursday) and Mr Stevens (HLTA) who support children across all three classes.

Mrs Cook also provides PPA (Planning, preparation and assessment) cover for the teachers in Green Area.

Miss Jones, Ms Holbrook and Mrs Basrai also support in Green Area through their roles as SENTAs.

If you have any messages, questions or queries, please write a note in your child’s school planner and ask them to show the planner to their teacher. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher via the school office.

PE Days

On PE days, the children should come to school wearing their PE kit. For safety purposes, children also need to remove any earrings or jewellery and long hair should be tied back before coming to school.

PE days are as follows:

Emerald Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays 

Aqua Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Jade Class: Tuesdays and Thursdays


Homework Expectations

The children are expected to read five times a week, with each of these readings being recorded in their home-school diary with details of the book title and the pages they have read.  This can be recorded by the child as long as there is an adult's signature at the end of the week.

We also expect the children to work on their times tables knowledge through Times Tables Rockstars.  We would like the children to aim for three 10-minute sessions per week on this.  The class teacher may give more targeted times tables work to you if this is deemed necessary.

At the start of each term, the children will be given a choice of two "pick and mix" enquiry-linked projects from a list of multiple options, which must be completed by the specified date.  This work will then be celebrated as a class.

The Year 5/6 children will also be set one piece of Author homework (usually with a grammar focus) and one piece of Mathematician homework each Monday to be brought into school the following Monday.  This year, these homework tasks will be stuck into a red homework book to keep all of the work together.

Reading in School

In Green Area, your child will start in one of the following categories for reading:

- Banded books- Your child will be directed to a selection of reading books suitable for their reading age.

- "Rainbow Readers"- Once your child has completed the Banded books, they will be shown a range of books which are transitional books before they become a "Free Reader".

- "Free Reader"- Your child can choose the book they are reading.  We encourage then to read as wide a range of genres as possible to develop their reading skills.

Get in touch

Barrs Court Primary School
Stephens Drive, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 7JB

01454 867799