Each term the Red Area teachers will create new activities for you to do at home. There will be weekly tasks and ‘pick and mix’ activities for you to choose from. The teachers love to see what you chose to do from the ‘pick and mix’ and will ask you to bring in your work at the end of the term.
We also ask you to read with your child 5 times each week. This needs to be their decodable book banded book which is matched to their phonic knowledge or, if they are a free-reader, it will be the book they have brought home from school. The video below explains how to support your child when reading and how to say the Phase 5 sounds.
All children also bring home a ‘sharing book' for you to share with them. This may be too tricky for them to read to you, but you can read it to them and have lots of lovely ‘book talk’ together – ask your child to talk about what is happening in the story, what might happen next, how the characters are feeling and why. The children can change their sharing book regularly either from our school library or their classroom book corner.