Medical Matters
It is possible that your child may become ill or have an accident whilst at school. Minor accidents are treated in school (ie bumps and grazes) in accordance with first aid regulations set by the local authority. If we feel that the accident is more serious, we will notify you immediately. There are a number of staff in each Area who are Level 3 Paediatric First Aid trained.
If your child sustains a head bump whilst in school, they will be seen by a Level 3 Paediatric First Aider in the first instance and monitored closely. We will send an in-app message through the Arbor Parent Portal alerting you to the head bump so that they can continue to be monitored at home. If we are at all concerned, we will always contact you.
In the event of a more serious accident or illness at school we will call you as soon as possible.
Please make sure that we always have up-to-date contact information. We also need an emergency contact number for when you are unavailable.
Long-Term Medication
If your child is receiving medication for a chronic complaint, please make an appointment so that we can create a healthcare plan.
Many of our children use inhalers and we request that an additional one is kept in school at all times. You will be asked to compete a short form at the school office.
Each child's inhaler is kept in their own blue bag in the classroom so that it is easily accessible to the child and adults if required.
If children tell us they are unwell at school we will monitor them carefully but will generally only send them home if they are actually sick or have diarrhoea, a temperature, rash or we consider that they are not well enough to be in school.
If your child is ‘under the weather’ when they get up but has no actual symptoms of illness, please bring them in to school and mention it to a member of the Team. We can contact you immediately if symptoms do develop.
If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea due to a virus, please keep them at home for 48 hours after the symptoms subside. Infections of this kind can spread very quickly where young children are concerned. (If your child has a medical condition that includes sickness, please speak to Headteacher to make special arrangements)
If your child is unwell
To report that your child(ren) is not able to attend school as they are unwell, please telephone or email the school after 8.00am on each day of absence with details of the type of sickness. This is required, so that we can accurately record the absence on your child’s attendance record. If you telephone outside of the school office hours, there is an answerphone available for you to leave a message (Option 1).
The majority of medications are administered on a voluntary basis by the office team. Any staff who administer medication have completed the ‘administration of medication’ training.
As per our managing medical needs policy, the office staff are able to administer medication to support a child’s short term illness or on-going condition as outlined below. Please speak to a member of the office team if your needs to receive medication during the school day.
In the case of short term prescribed medication, the school will administer medication when a Medication Request form is received. The medication must be handed to an adult in school in the original container with the chemist/hospital label clearly indicating the name of the child, the dose and frequency to be given. A member of the office team will administer the medication at 11.30am unless the chemist label advises otherwise. There is a small fridge in the school office to store medications that need to be refrigerated ie antibiotics etc. The medication must be collected by an adult at the end of the school day.
Please note that antibiotics are only administered by office staff if they are required 4 times per day and there may be occasions when we are unable to administer the medication.
We are unable to administer non-prescribed medication e.g Calpol or cough mixtures.
The office team reserve the right to exclude certain medications.
Please see the school’s Managing Medical Needs Policy for further details on the school’s procedures.
Head lice
Please check your child’s head every week for head lice. If you are unfortunate enough to find any please treat the whole family immediately and inform us at school so we can send out a standard message to other families to alert them (this will provide basic information and will never name or identify a child).
Our school nurse will be able to advise on this problem if it keeps reoccurring.
Please also inform us if your child has threadworm so that we can alert other families and provide an information sheet (again this only provides basic information and will never name or identify a child).
School Nurse
The school nurse team are located at the Kingswood Hub, Alma Road. Medical checks are carried out by the team at certain points in the children's primary education (Reception and Year 6) ie vision & hearing, height & weight. You will be contacted in advance to advise that these checks are taking place and will have the opportunity to ‘opt-out’ if you would prefer your child to not take part.
Useful Links
Threadworm Information – Threadworm
Scarlet Fever Information Leaflet – Scarlet Fever
NHS Minor Head Injury Advice – Minor head injury
Beat the Cyberbully – An informative document to aid your understanding and help you protect your child against cyber bullying. – Beat the cyber bully
Once A Week – Take a Peek – An easy-to-use guide for parents to fight back against headlice – Nits