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Our Learning


Welcome to Reception. We have two classes in our area:

Opal Class - Mrs Duce-Jones 

Pearl Class - Miss Drew 

Mrs Garrett is our Reception TA.  Miss Warlow will teach in Reception on Wednesdays, alternating between Opal and Pearl. PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time will be Thursday afternoons for Pearl and Friday afternoons for Opal.


PE Days

Our reception PE day is a Thursday.  On PE days, the children should come to school wearing their PE kit. Because the children go out in the reception garden and the playground whilst in PE kit, please be mindful of the weather forecast and dress accordingly! For safety purposes, earrings should be removed for PE lessons. Earrings can be covered with tape for the 6 weeks after the initial piercing but should then be removed for PE activities.  If your child cannot take them out themselves, please ensure they are taken out and left at home.

Useful websites to support learning at home

Numberblocks episodes on iplayer

Little Wandle lessons (term by term)

Phonics Play 

White Rose 1 minute maths (link to app store)


Get in touch

Barrs Court Primary School
Stephens Drive, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 7JB

01454 867799