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Our Learning

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our SENCo, Sam Balch, can be contacted on or the School Office on 01454 867799.

Barrs Court Primary School has ongoing identification procedures for SEN as part of continuous assessment. We also establish as much information regarding a child’s individual needs when we meet with parents/carers when their child is starting at our school.

Definition of Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)

A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. Code of Practice (April 2014)

Within classes children often need some extra support and/or challenge to consolidate their learning and to enable them to access the curriculum at an appropriate level. At Barrs Court, teachers use their professional judgements to effectively plan and provide for each individual child. This could be providing slightly different tasks for children and adapting teaching and learning styles to meet the needs of the children. Sometimes this is not enough and a child may need additional help on top of this. Within classes children often need some extra support and/or challenge to consolidate their learning and to enable them to access the curriculum at an appropriate level.

If our experience and expertise indicates that a child has special educational needs we will always discuss this with parents/carers, either initially with the class teacher and/or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).

If a child’s name is placed on the school’s SEN register then an appropriate programme of school action is devised and reviewed at regular intervals. If a child is not responding sufficiently to any additional support we are able to provide, and after discussion with parents/carers, we may refer to the Educational Psychologist or other outside agencies for advice (this is called School Action Plus). In certain circumstances it may be necessary for a child to be given a Statement of Special Needs.

We have a strong commitment towards inclusive education for all children, and in line with the revised Code of Practice, take steps to provide appropriate curriculum opportunities, teaching and learning approaches, organisation of environment and resources in order to meet a wide range of individual needs, including more able pupils.


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Our Information Report 

SEND Information Report 2022-23

Supportive parents Info

Supportive Parents Leaflet

SEN Complaints

In the first instance, parents are encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns. If, however, parents feel that their issues have not been resolved, then they can make an appointment with the SENCo, a senior member of staff or the Headteacher. If the complaint remains unresolved then parents should refer to the complaints procedure.


Barrs Court Primary School has published the following information in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty which requires all public bodies to take action over equality in the workplace.


Get in touch

Barrs Court Primary School
Stephens Drive, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 7JB

01454 867799