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At Barrs Court, we are proud of our uniform. Your support and cooperation with this is very much appreciated.  We expect all children to wear uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-based event outside normal school hours. If you have any questions about our school uniform, please ask any member of the Team. If you are having difficultly paying for school uniform due to financial hardship please ask to speak to Mr Webster.  

School Uniform

Black or navy pinafore dress or skirt

Black or navy trousers or shorts (straight leg, NOT hipsters, jeggings or culottes)

Gold polo shirt (Navy polo shirt in Year 5 and 6)

Navy Barrs Court sweatshirt or cardigan

Black or navy socks or tights

Black or navy shoes (NOT boots or trainers)

Summer Alternatives

Navy or pale blue dress (gingham or stripes)

Black or navy shorts

White socks

Black or navy shoes (NOT sandals)

P.E kit 

Black or navy shorts

Gold T-shirt


Draw-string bag

Black or navy tracksuit bottoms (optional) can be provided for outdoor activities

Our current uniform supplier is Price and Buckland. If you would like to purchase school branded uniform follow the instructions below.

Non-branded school uniform can also be purchased from most large supermarkets/department stores.

Earrings should be removed for PE lessons. Earrings can be covered with tape for the 6 weeks after the initial piercing but should then be removed for PE activities.  If your child cannot take them out themselves, please ensure they are taken out and left at home.



Price and Buckland
Make-up and accessories 
  • Please remove nail varnish or make-up before coming to school
  • Stud earrings are the only earrings that can be worn in school
  • All other jewellery must be left at home
  • Hair below shoulder-length should be tied back using a hair bobble or small headband



All Key Stage 2 children swim for one term at Longwell Green Swimming Pool.  For swimming and games the navy school tracksuit is ideal as well as a towel and swimsuit [no Bermuda shorts or bikinis/tankinis please].  Some members of staff hold an ASA qualification and parent helpers assist poolside and in the changing rooms.


Get in touch

Barrs Court Primary School
Stephens Drive, Longwell Green, Bristol, BS30 7JB

01454 867799